The focus of day one's lectures, case studies, and labs will be on the curation of research data through a lifecycle approach. A lifecycle of research data includes a full range of curation activities: data management planning, ingest, description and arrangement, normalization, long-term preservation, publication, supporting research services, and the reuse of data.
In this opening session we will introduce various lifecycle models, and describe their benefits and drawbacks. We will also discuss techniques from archives and records management which have been adapted for data curation, such as provenance and the records continuum. This session concludes with a discussion of data curation issues in scholarly communications - such as the linking, citation, and publication of research data - that we expect to continue throughout the institute.
Palmer, C. L., Weber, N. M., Muñoz, T., & Renear, A. H. (2013). Foundations of data curation: the pedagogy and practice of “purposeful work” with research data. Arch J, 3.
Trevor Muñoz and Allen Renear. (2011). Issues in Humanities Data Curation. Discussion paper for the Humanities Data Curation Summit, June 23, Palo Alto, CA. PDF
Flanders, J., & Munoz, T. (2011). An introduction to humanities data curation. PDF